Stories Help Us See

Independent Facilitation is all about relationships. The relationship between the Facilitator and the person with a developmental disability who they work for; the person’s relationship with self; their relationships with the people family and friends; and their relationships with people in the community where they live and work.

Stories help us see relationships in action. Stories uncover what we value, what is important. Stories tell us WHY something is important. Stories give us clues about what works, and what does not.

Stories let us see people as the unique being that they are.

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What Independent Facilitation is All About

Independent Facilitation is all about making it easier for people with developmental disabilities to take charge of their lives; to strengthen their relationships; to connect with a support network who become “their people”, people with whom they experience belonging; to discover places in the community where they can make contributions and find support; to gain power through information, and the knowledge of how to use it; and to plan for action that will make it more possible for people live as valued citizens and contributing community members. Stories help us see what it takes for this to happen.