Our Stories blog helps illuminate the scope of work of Independent Facilitation.
Stories let us see people as they are, unique, like every other citizen.

OIFN Reflective Practice Conversation Story: Exploring the Role of Facilitating Change

Conversation held on February 10, 2021

OIFN’s Community of Practice continues to gather regularly for opportunities to grow and learn together and contribute to a greater movement for people living with developmental disabilities.

Emerging from feedback shared at previous gatherings, the theme of this Reflective Practice Conversation created space for participants to learn about and reflect on the relational work involved in Independent Facilitation, particularly how independent facilitators work in relation to other systems and service providers and support people to form ...

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Reflective Practice Gathering June 13, 2020

OIFN believes “in reflective practice and shared learning through a Community of Practice that engages people with disabilities, family members and/or loved ones, independent facilitators, and other allies, in a collaborative approach, to co-create knowledge and reflect deeply on principles and practice.” 

Though we initially imagined an in-person gathering in spring 2020 to aid that practice, this year has presented many changes in the world as we know it. OIFN regrouped after the COVID-19 outbreak, deciding to bring people together virtually. This Reflective Practice ...

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Stories of Independent Facilitation: Talia’s Personal Network of Support

In the first of our video series of stories about Independent Facilitation, Talia’s mother, Amy, talks about how Talia’s personal support network has been nurtured and grown. Click to see more of this inspiring story!


My name is Amy. My daughter’s name is Talia, and Talia is 24. And we’ve always been interested in Facilitation since my daughter was 18, and she began aging out of ...

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After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world. ~ Philip Pullman

Following What You Love

Michael Nedolin, from a mid-sized eastern Ontario community, illuminates the universal quest for community and belonging. Michael shares his journey of exploring and connecting his passions with opportunities that his facilitator unearthed in his community.

Michael, at age 24, tells of his experience of building connections and relationships that started with his passion for tropical plants, animals, and Spanish music. His facilitator Emily began imagining local opportunities where Michael’s strengths would be valued and his passions supported. Emily succeeded in making ...

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“Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place”

Marty West, 38, living in a small rural Ontario community, shares his path of self-determination in creating significant changes in his life. Marty’s journey has taken him from living in a nursing home to living independently in a supportive community.

It was early June 2015 when Diane, an independent facilitator from Facile met Marty at the Nursing Home. Marty shared that he was on every possible waiting list for group living in the region. Diane asked the question, “What are you ...

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Sisters Who Are Home For Each Other

Danielle, Emily and Connie Snider, three adult sisters living in a mid-size urban Ontario community, share their path of transition in creating a successful move to living independently together in an apartment in the same neighborhood as their parents. This is a journey about three siblings and their parents, which began two years ago and expanded to extended family and friends during the last 6 months prior to their May 2016 move. Independent Facilitation was paramount in this transition process.

Finding ...

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I see the road ahead accepting it, receiving it, loving it and rejoicing in it.

“I See The Road Ahead”

J.J. Legare, 40, lives in a mid-sized urban eastern Ontario community with his father. Together, J.J., his father George, and his independent facilitator, Helene share their experience of hope, fear, courage, acceptance, and joy on their journey of deepening their sense of community belonging, increasing confidence, and growing new beginnings, interests and independence.

When JJ and George met their independent facilitator, Helene, their first meeting was with their Service Coordination Case Manager that the family had been working with since the ...

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